Te’ Time

Original moondrawing by te’zins

Moon Flower drawing in Lunar Expressionism
8″ by 10″ A Remarque created in the darkroom

Also available are the editions from the digital photo-pigments unveiled by Moon Flower.

Artist has decided to gift the purity of the moondrawing image without any watermark protection.  So enjoy art lovers.

This Te’ Time Page will eventually unfold into a BLOG of Sorts sharing the artist’s different mediums with photo-pigments throughout his over 30 years living and creating art in the Southwest and other places too.

IN THE NEAR FUTURE this BLOG of Sorts will conduct classes learning how each different medium with photo-pigments are created for a reasonable $1.01 per class using PayPal.

Reader, come back and visit every once in-a-while, if only reminding me to add these creative Dreamatics.

PS: The author shares an explanation of Moondrawing in Lunar Expressionism within the Fifteenth Morning of the book, Under the Red Willow. Just in case the reader is wondering.

Part of a series of Artist Interviews @ Chroma Gallery, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Videographer, Rinehard Lorenz / www.firsteyefilm.com